Affiliated Clubs Committee

The USIHC Affiliated Club Committee facilitates the USIHC Affiliated Club program.


Leslie Chambers (

Method of Discussion

e-mail list, teleconferencing when needed.


Susy Oliver
Sherry Hoover
Carrie Laurencot
Laura Harrigan
Liz Appel
Susan Wellington
Caeli Cavanagh
Angie Calve
Leslie Chambers
Janet Mulder
Virginia Lauridsen
Jyl Snyder
Andrea Barber
Kari Pietsch-Wangard
Nicki Esdorn
Gabriele Meyer
Maggie Brandt
Lisa McKeen
Carol Tolbert
Ásta Covert
Judy Strehler

Useful Links

USIHC Affiliated Clubs
USIHC Affiliated Club Info
Affiliated Club Application - PDF