Notice of Election 2020

Notice of Election 2020
In accordance with Section 2 of Article IV (Voting and Elections) of the Constitution of the United States Icelandic Horse Congress (USIHC), the President has appointed the following Congress members to administer the 2020 election of Board of Director members of the USIHC:
Caeli Cavanagh, Chairperson
Alex Venable
Elizabeth Robertson
In further accordance with Section 2 of the Constitution the election committee shall:
• Accept nominations until October 1, 2020.
• Prepare and distribute ballots to all voting members by October 15, 2020.
• Accept voted ballots until December 1, 2020.
• Provide the tabulated results to the President no later than December 15, 2020.
The upcoming election shall select three directors, who will serve for terms of three years starting on January 1, 2021. Incumbent directors Lori Cretney, Will Covert and Kari Pietsch-Wangard are up for re-election. Lori Cretney and Will Covert have opted to run for re-election. Kari Pietsch-Wangard has declined to run for re-election.
In accordance with Section 3 of Article VII (Board of Directors) nominations for the position of director shall be in writing. The nominee, the nominator, and two seconders, all of whom must be voting members of the USIHC, shall sign nominations. The nominator and seconders shall not be of the immediate family of the nominee. Nominations should include the email address and telephone number of the nominee. Nominations must be received by October 1, 2020. They should be emailed to:
Caeli Cavanagh, Chair
All candidates are requested to email the election committee at with statements of one or two paragraphs giving their backgrounds in relation to the Icelandic Horse and reasons why they should be elected. The candidate’s statements will be disseminated with the ballots. Any questions regarding the election process should be addressed to the Chairperson by email (