Deadline Extended for FEIF Youth Cup Applications

The deadline for FEIF Youth Cup Applications has been extended to February 15, 2020.
The Youth Committee is still accepting applications for Riders, Team Leader, and Country Leader.
Priority will be given to applications received prior to the original deadline of January 12, 2020 if applicants meet minimum scores.
Applications for all FEIF Youth Cup opportunities are included below:
This international Icelandic horse competition is held every other year and this year's FYC will take place in Vilhelmsborg, Denmark July 18 - July 26, 2020.
The FEIF Youth Cup is an international Icelandic horse competition held in a different European country in July of even-numbered summers. The United States is allowed to send three riders. Teams of six teen-age riders from different FEIF countries are made up the first day of the Cup. Renowned Icelandic horse trainers train the riders the first three days. The competition among the international teams is held the last two days. Ages for the competition are 14-17 (you must be turning 14 by December 31st of said year, and you must not be turning 18 by December 31st of said year). Applicants must be a member of the USIHC. He/she must fill out an application, ask his/her riding instructor for an evaluation, and send a video showing a 4-gait or 5-gait program, and a tolt program. The videos are judged by a FEIF judge. Programs scoring over 4.5 are eligible for the Youth Cup team. The applications are evaluated by an independent panel to break any ties in the video scores.
Please visit the Youth page or email for more information.