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Amendment 1 Added to World Championship Tryout Rules - Flex Spots

Exciting news for those interested in joining the 2025 US World Championship team! On November 12, 2024, the USIHC Board voted to add Amendment 1 to the 2025 World Championship Tryout Rules document. This new amendment outlines "flex spots" as follows:

Provided that there would be unused spots for the USIHC to send riders to the world championships, the National Team’s Team Leader and Team Trainer may nominate additional USIHC members to the WC team in their discretion. These nominated riders must be members in good standing with the USIHC and maintain the same citizenship and / or residency requirements as any other rider on the WC team. A maximum number of three adult flex riders shall be qualified per WC year, and a maximum of two youth flex riders shall be qualified per WC year. In no event shall the number of flex spot riders exceed the number of riders qualified through the non-flex process.

The purpose of these flex spots is to provide additional opportunities for USIHC Members in good standing who are not currently on the National Team or who do not meet the National Ranking
requirements. Applicants seeking flex spots must otherwise meet all USIHC and FEIF requirements to participate at the WC on behalf of the USIHC, as well as timely apply for the WC flex spot under all other requirements, including timely video submission. Any horse / rider combination qualifying under this route needs to secure a minimum score in their WC tryout video of: 1. For Adults: 7.0 in T1, 6.7 in T2, 6.7 in V1, or 6.5 in F1; and 2. For Youth: 6.7 in T1, 6.4 in T2, 6.4 in V1, or 6.2 in F1.

These flex spot nominations only are available if there are unused openings on the USIHC World ChampionshipTeam after all riders who have qualified through the existing WC tryout and qualifications process have been offered a spot.

In addition to the cost of submitting a video submission for the WC tryout, any rider admitted to the WC team with a flex spot shall pay a $1,000 team fee to the USIHC.

Horse / rider combinations must apply in writing for any available flex spots by the WC submission deadline of the WC year. Applications shall be addressed to the Team Trainer and Team Leader, copying the USIHC President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Applications shall include a list of the rider’s full competition results for the past two years, and a personal statement detailing why the rider believes they fit the considerations outlined below. The Team Trainer and Team Leader may request what additional information or materials they deem fit from any applicant.

When exercising their discretion, the Team Leader and Team Trainer are directed to consider:

The horse / rider’s recent competition results and performances as a whole;
The rider’s overall contributions to the USIHC membership and overall community of icelandic horses in the United States;
Whether the rider(s) will make for a more inclusive, well-rounded, and competitive team; and
Whether the rider(s) are likely to use their experience at the WC to improve and support the USIHC’s mission and community as a whole.
The Team Leader and Team Trainer are directed to use their discretion to field the most inclusive, well- rounded, competitive, and member-serving WC team possible.
Any nominations to the WC team under this policy must be ratified by the USIHC Board of Directors.


If you are interested in knowing more about qualifying for the world championship team, email