2021 USDF All-Breeds Awards Icelandic Horse Winners

Congratulations to the 2021 USDF All-Breeds Icelandic Horse participants and winners! This was the first year USIHC was a participating organization in the USDF All-Breeds Awards. USIHC recognizes Champion and Reserve awards in Training Level through Grand Prix levels in the Open, Adult Amateur, and Youth Divisions.
2021 USDF All-Breeds Awards Icelandic Horse Winners
Adult Amateur and Open Champion, Training Level: Terri Mielke and Dynur from Creekside
Reserve Champion, First Level: Paetra Henniger and Ísak from Four Winds Farm
Champion, First Level: Virginia Lauridsen and Herkules from Dalalif.
All horses are US bred!
For more information on how to participate please visit: https://icelandics.org/usdf-all-breeds-awards