2021 Domestic Green Horse Awards

USIHC is working on a national ranking for US bred sport horses to continue to highlight US breeding and acknowledge both the horses and the breeders. After some discussion, both the sport committee and the USIHC board agreed to rank the US bred horses in the two Green Horse classes. This is to recognize the young and talented horses and create a level playing field with horses being at comparable levels of education.
Green Horse Tolt 2021:
1. Freyja from Four Winds (6.43) Thorunn Kristjánsdóttir, USIHC Fall Virtual Show
2. Hnokki from Windsong (5.43) Caeli Cavanagh, USIHC Spring Virtual Show
3. Leikur from Dalaif (5.20) Lucy Nold, USIHC Spring Virtual Show
Green Horse Four Gait 2021:
1. Leikur from Dalalif (5.90) Lucy Nold, USIHC Spring Virtual Show
2. Tholinn from Vinland (5.65) Carrie Lyons Brandt, Montaire
3. Hnokki from Windsong (5.43) Caeli Cavanagh, USIHC Spring Virtual Show
Freyja from Four Winds
Freyja was bred, born and raised in the Northeast. Her breeder is Lori Leo, and she was born on Four Winds Farm in 2012. Her sire is Gustur from Four Winds Farm and her dam is Hamingja frá Ólafsbergi. Her parents come from quite extraordinary bloodlines with numerous first prize ancestors like Auður frá Lundum, Dama frá Ragnheidarstöðum and Hágangur frá Narfastöðum. That said, Freyja as an individual is also quite extraordinary and is an amazing ambassador for the breed. Besides having watched her mature and grow since she came to our farm as a youngster, I really fell in love with her once we started working together two and a half years ago. We just clicked - and when that happens, it is always magic. And as a result, we created a relationship that you always strive for in your horsemanship. Freyja is a very honest and talented horse: she's not lacking in the spirit or talent department and my joy with her was to bring that out in her - but further, she trusted me to do that. For me, the ultimate achievement with any horse, but especially with horses that you breed and or raise and then train, is to create such a deep relationship where you not just have a close connection with a horse, but they trust you completely - and in turn - you trust them completely. Freyja and I found that over 2.5 years ago, and since that time, we have had one amazing ride after the next as she grew, matured and developed into the amazing and beautiful mare that she is today. -Thorunn Kristjánsdóttir
Leikur from Dalalif
Leikur from Dalalif was born in 2011 and bred by Anne-Marie Martin of Dalalif in Santa Ynez, CA. His dam is Rák frá Akureyri, a first prize mare with several successful offspring in the USA. His sire is the famous first prize stallion Hrafn frá Garðabæ who stands at Flying C Ranch. The name Leikur means playful and lively and it suits him perfectly. Leikur has a very curious and engaged personality and has been very fun to train. Leikur spent several years as a trail horse in Nevada before he came to Five-Gait Farm and began his training for competition. It was immediately clear that Leikur would make the most fabulous all around horse. Leikur enjoys horse camping and trail riding in the mountains and on the beach. He is extremely brave and has ponied many other young horses on their first experiences off the farm. Leikur is also talented with well balanced and high quality gaits that make him very fun to ride and have led him to success in his first year competiting. Leikur has a bright future with his new owner, my eight year old student, Emelia Stewart. The two started competitng in the Novice level classes this fall and are now working towards competiting in the Intermediate level classes. It will be very exciting to watch this pair grow together!