2020 Sea 2 Shining Sea Ride: Sign Up Now!

The 2020 Sea 2 Shining Sea Ride is beginning! Register now for this virtual ride by emailing s2ss@icelandics.org.
About The Ride
Sea 2 Shining Sea is a year long virtual ride on Icelandic Horses. This 5,000 mile ‘ride’ will cover a route circumnavigating the US starting January 1, 2020 and finishing December 31, 2020. The ride travels through four regions of the USA, completing 5 rides in each. Each ride will be counted as 250 miles or 62.5 hours.
Riders can participate as individuals or teams. All participants must be USIHC members throughout the ride to log their hours. All Participants log their riding time which we will convert to distance at 4 miles-per-hour. If you are riding as part of a team you should log your individual time. We will take care of crediting your rides to the correct group. Teams can have a maximum of six riders.
The horses used in the ride must be registered Icelandic Horses. They do not have to be registered in the United States…any FEIF member country’s registry or WorldFengur is acceptable.
The Sea 2 Shining Sea ride is for leisure riders. You participate by riding or driving your Icelandic horse however you like – as long as you are not being paid for the ?me. The route is designed stage stop style. The rides do not make one continuous trail, but are all actual places that you can go and ride your horse in the USA during the year 2020. Local clubs may host rides at some of the locations, these will be announced on the S2SS FB page and you are welcome to join!
We have created a Sea 2 Shining Sea Facebook page (hdps://www.facebook.com/groups/ 1866794093559110/) and encourage everyone to share photos and stories about their rides.
Click here to download the complete rules and regulations. Have questions or want to join in on the ride? email s2ss@icelandics.org