Olil Amble Clinic at Harmony Icelandics
Toppur Icelandic horse club is hosting a clinic with Olil Amble on September 23 - 24, 2023.
Olil Amble is a highly educated trainer and riding instructor and holds a degree from Felag Tamningamanna , she has over 30 years of experience teaching internationally and has been a trainer on many national teams in Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Germany. To teach has played a big role in her life as well as being taught and she got to know her current teacher/master Julio Borba at the World Championship in Sweden 2005, via a presentation that they were both taking part in. Julio has been coming to Iceland to teach and train ever since, around 7-8 times a years, teaching the Gangmyllan team as well as many of the most successful riders in Iceland.
Today Olil resides at Syðri-Gegnisholar in the south of Iceland where together with her husband Bergur Jonsson and her family they breed and train horses from their collaborative breeding under the names Ketilsstaðir/Syðri-Gegnisholar and run their company Gangmyllan.
Harmony Icelandics
Peru, IA
For more information contact: virginia@harmonyicelandics.com