
Endurance Riding with the Icelandic Horse

Sami Brownller

Endurance Riding with the Icelandic Horse

Date: March 16 at 12 p.m. Eastern Time
Location: Zoom

Endurance riding with the Icelandic horse with Survive Iceland competitor and Survive Iceland's Best Rider award winner, Sami Browneller. This session will discuss how well suited Icelandic horses are to endurance riding and how to start in the endurance riding world. 

This webinar is part of USIHC's Virtual Education Series. Sessions will last approximately 1 ½ - 2 hours and include a lecture/presentation followed by a Q & A session, when members will be able to ask questions of the presenter(s). Each presentation will be recorded and available for viewing for 7 days. We hope you will join us!

$35 per seminar or $100 for the entire series
To register for all four seminars, select "Entire Series" at checkout or you can register for individual seminars
Non USIHC members can register at an additional cost of $55/seminar or $160 for the series. Non Members, please register here.